Winter/Spring 2022
3 In-service Credits
Course Offerings
Content Literacy Instruction
Participants will access, develop and utilize reading comprehension strategies that will actively engage their students in the learning process. Participants will have the opportunity to develop, implement and discuss instructional strategies to improve the literacy development of students within all classrooms. Participants will learn effective strategies to improve students’ acquisition of competencies in listening, speaking, reading, vocabulary, written expression (i.e. mechanics, grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, and editing skills). Participants will access the information and tools necessary to focus student learning through reading and writing across the curriculum. Teachers involved in this course will have the chance to reflect, discuss, and implement strategies to improve understanding of nonfiction text. More specifically, participants will develop strategies to improve their students’ writing skills in any type of classroom setting. Formerly CMSV-CEGE 590-R01.
Format: Online; January 10 through March 10, 2022 – Instructor: Dr. Michael Gill
Making Inclusion Work: Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems
This course will provide an overview of the characteristics of effective instructional strategies in a general education classroom. Participants will develop strategies to incorporate children with special needs and the programs and procedures used most effectively to serve them. It will also provide information about the laws guiding the education of special education students and the theories, diagnostic procedures and teaching strategies which are most effective with these students. By the end of this course students should have gained a full understanding of: Special health-related issues, Learning processes of the special education student, motivational and communication techniques, classroom management, the means to update knowledge and skills in the subject taught, current trends and issues, special education legislation, characteristics and etiology of specific disabilities, intervention strategies for children with disabilities, how to adapt the learning environment to meet the needs of exceptional children, and identification of students with disabilities. The text The Inclusive Classroom will provide theoretical support and research-based strategies to improve student learning in mainstream classrooms. Formerly CMSV-CEGE 637-R01.
Format: Online: January 11 through March 11, 2022 – Instructor: Dr. Michael Gill
Teachers Positively Impacting Student Learning: The Three E’s of Engagement, Efficacy and Empathy
Participants in this course will investigate ways to impact student behavior and learning by focusing on the Three E’s of Engagement, Efficacy and Empathy. Reading and activities will focus explicitly on ways to engage students and to instill in them the confidence in their own ability to succeed. Participants will work collaboratively to develop goals that are SMART: Strategic, Measurable, Attainable, Results-orientated and Timely. Based upon the work of Marzano, participants will design student-centered activities that involve high energy, friendly competition and self-monitoring. These activities will focus on helping students to make sense of information on their own so that the learning is meaningful and the knowledge is more likely to be retained. Finally, teachers will explore ways to help their students to see the connections between hard work and success in school and life. Formerly CMSV-CEGE 565-R01.
Format: F-T-F, NRHS; Th/F/Sat., Jan. 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, *Mar. 4, (*Final projects and reflections due online by Mar. 4, 2022) – Instructor: Dr. Michael Gill
For more information contact Joleen at 845-499-0851/
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*Prices subject to change without notice
Flyer – Professional Learning INSERVICE Winter Spring 22